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Aldo Nova Puts On Amazing Show In PA

Aldo Nova Puts On Amazing Show In PA

“Can you hear the sound of an ambulance going downtown? Nobody’s safe tonight!” Lyrics from my favorite Aldo Nova song, “Blood On The Bricks” is the perfect way to describe last night’s show at Jergels in Warrendale, PA.

Aldo Nova, along with his f—ing incredible band (Jack Frost, Dario Seixas, Ange E.Curcio, Michael T. Ross), simply destroyed the stage playing the songs spanning Aldo Nova’s career. Aldo Nova sounded great, was definitely having a great time, and, “shredded” away for 1 1/2 hour set.

It was my very first time seeing him live and I could not keep the smile off of my face, my head from “banging”, and me singing along (My apologies for those next to me that heard my singing 😎).

Aldo Nova interacted with the crowd, and after the show took pictures with his fans and signed some autographs. Super great musician and one hell of a nice guy!

My compliments to Jergels for having a fantastic venue and for putting on this great show. I can’t wait to come back for more shows.

“Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life?” Damn right I can!

Jeff Weaver

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