What Is Happening
Pat Travers Rocks The Kent Stage

Pat Travers Rocks The Kent Stage

The Kent Stage was devastated by a Category 8 magnitude Rock N’ Roll Earthquake delivered by the Pat Travers Band Saturday night This trio of musicians played bombastic set of Pat Travers Band favorites until they hit the audience with “BOOM, BOOM, OUT GO THE LIGHTS” and left the stage destroyed by Travers, David Pastorius (bass), and drummer Alex Petrosky.

At a young 70 years old, Travers still commands the guitar with a ferocious attack of some of the best Rock/Blues sound ever to be sprung from a Marshall Amplifier and his vocals are strong as ever too. On bass, is one of the smoothest “thundering” bass players of all time, David Pastorius (And, yes, his uncle was the infamous Jaco Pastorius.) On drums was drummer extraordinaire, Alex Petrosky and these two provided the THUNDER to compliment Pat Travers guitar licks and brought the trio of sound to life.

I don’t think that The Kent Stage’s foundation could have taken much more than the one hour and a half show. In addition to the songs from the Pat Travers Band discography, the trio also played a couple of covers which included Booker T & The MG’s “Born Under A Bad Sign”. At one point in the show, Travers left the stage and David Pastorius and Alex Petrosky played a song by David Pastorius that received a huge ovation.

During the show, Travers said that they are working on a brand-new Pat Travers Band album. After the show, all of the member of the band all came out to their “merch” table and signed autographs and took pictures with their fans.

After that show the Kent Stage has to be putting the building back together, brick by brick!

Jeff Weaver

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