Time to take a look back into this day in rock history: February 18
Just a couple Marines on leave…on The Ed Sullivan Show! Don and Phil Everly appear in full uniform to sing their Billboard hit “Crying in the Rain”
The Beatles pay a visit to boxer Sonny Liston at his training camp but he turns down a request to pose with “sissies”. (Some say he used stronger language.) Cassius Clay is a different story hamming it up with the boys at his gym. So, why did Liston appear on the cover of Sgt. Pepper instead of Clay? He’s on the right side of George Harrison.
“Lights, cameras…’Astronomy Domine’!” David Gilmour makes his video debut as a member of Pink Floyd as a Belgian TV crew records clips for “See Emily Play”, “Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun,” and others.
You’re messing with the wrong guy! Four guys climb on stage trying to shake Elvis’ hand, but the king thinks he’s being attacked! It’s followed by a flurry of fists and karate kicks. Order is restored and Elvis apologizes..sort of…saying, “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen. I’m sorry I didn’t break his goddamned neck, is what I’m sorry about.” No charges filed, but the four should have seen this video before they had that crazy idea.

Cleveland’s Agora was a favorite stage for the up and coming Bruce Springsteen.
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio
Definitely something wrong here. Queen appears at the 1990 Brit Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Music and Freddie Mercury is obviously not well. His last public appearance.

Brass at its best when the Dirty Dozen Brass and holds court at the Kent Stage.Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio

Few bands can live up to the term “legendary”. 15-60-75 The Numbers Band helped define that term at its Kent Stage appearances
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio