Time to take a look back into this day in rock history: November 1

It was on this date in 1973 that Fleetwood Mac (pre-Buckingham / Nicks) played Case Western Reserve University and they joined a very exclusive club.
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio
Miles Davis made frequent appearances in Northeast Ohio. A few years back his career was the focus of a talk at the East Cleveland library.
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio

No love lost here! In 1986 Roger Waters took legal action against David Gilmour and other former bandmates in an attempt to stop them from using the name Pink Floyd. The courts sided with Gilmour and company.

The Preservation Hall Jazz band promotes the rich history of that genre of music in its appearances at the Kent Stage.
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio
Country rock in a family way, the Braun brothers have music in their bloodline.
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio