Time to take a look back into this day in rock history: September 26
“The Empress of the Blues”, Bessie Smith, dies after a car crash in Tennessee. Tragic as it was, the legend that she was refused treatment at a whites-only hospital is likely untrue.
The Fillmore in San Francisco, hosts Pink Floyd, the groups first ever live dates in the US.On that same brief tour, they appeared on “American Bandstand” for a visit with Dick Clark
Check out some of these backstage contract “riders”:
- Limp Bizkit insisted that all the lamps in their rooms be dimmable while
- Mariah Carey would only have ‘bendy’ straws and would not use straight ones.
- Van Halen required celery is trimmed and not peeled.
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers asked for a meditation room and a selection of aromatherapy candles.
- Barry Manilow demanded that the air temperature in the auditorium be kept at a regular 65 degrees.
Green Day posts its UK No.1 album with ‘American Idiot’ the bands seventh release The band had booked Cleveland’s Euclid Tavern prior to the album’s success, but still kept its commitment to play the small hall.

One of America’s pre-eminent punk bands, X, always bring their best to the Kent Stage.
Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio