Album Review
Album Review

Review: I Was Wrong, The Empty Pockets Aren’t Empty

Okay I will be the first to admit I wrote off The Empty Pockets before I even heard them. The first time they came across my radar was when I…

Review: Luck And Strange Is Sadly Not For Me

Man, this really kills me to write especially coming from the place of being both a fan of Pink Floyd and David Gilmour for decades but the new album “Luck…

Review: Jade MacRae Is Now In My Veins

Jade MacRae released her 4th solo album called “In My Veins” a couple of days ago. Sadly it wasn’t sent to us for a review, but I saw a post…

Review: One Hand Clapping Really Needs Both Hands To Clap

This week Paul McCartney released his latest album but can you call it his latest if it was recorded 50 years ago? I really thought going into this review that…

Review – Ship To Shore A Steady Ride

The one thing you can depend on is a Richard Thompson album. Since his debut album “Henry The Human Fly” you get deep and dark lyrics accompanied by some amazing…

Review: Blue Electric Light A Huge Disappointment

Blue Electric Light dropped today but after listening to it, it should have dropped in 1984 not 2024. I don’t know what Kravitz was trying here but for me it’s…

Review: Fu##in’ Up A Mixed Bag Of Distortion

Deciding to recorded his new album “Fu##in’ Up” live should tell you everything you need to know about this album as Neil is fond of not playing songs the same…

Review: Pearl Jam Able To Dig Deep

I remember when “Ten” came out for this new band Pearl Jam. I was a little older(okay a lot older) than the typical PJ Fan and not one to step…

Review: Bacon Brothers New Album A Return To Form

On Friday the Bacon Brothers are releasing their new album “Ballad Of The Brothers” and even though this is the 10th album release from the Bacon Brothers it might be…

Review – Cowboy Carter By Beyonce

Ok for full disclosure I’m not really a Beyonce fan. I’m just not but that is not to say she isn’t a hugely talented artist, I’m just not her usual…


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