Time to take a look back into this day in rock history: January 24
Theater owners clamored to get British Invasion groups on the silver screen, and Gerry and the Pacemakers were in high demand. Ferry Cross the Mersey premieres at Liverpool’s Odeon with scenes short around the city. Front man Gerry Marsden also pens nine new songs for the movie soundtrack.

Fueled by Jack Daniels, Led Zeppelin introduces new songs along with past favorites at their 1975 Coliseum appearance.Poster courtesy of Raw Sugar Studio
Randy Newman gets flak from the vertically challenged and their supporters when he releases his song “Short People” with the line “short people got no reason to live”. All is eventually forgiven, and Newman goes on to score TV and movies.
She went on the record saying “No, no, no!” Amy Winehouse is admitted into rehab to kick her addiction to drugs. Universal Records issues a statement stating Winehouse entered the facility “after talks with her record label, management, family and doctors to continue her ongoing recovery against drug addiction.” Some see the song “Rehab” as a cry for help. Sadly, she eventually loses that battle.